SUTURE Society
has evolved passed the gender binary of male and female, but what does it mean
for architecture to do the same?
What will architecture’s true nature be when it is treated like a body - something that can be cut into and resewn?
The Suture project started off as a simple indexing of my own body through crude measurement, but quickly became an abstract way to look at how the body is as much of a site for architecture as any other. As I viewed my own body parts, I aligned them in various positions, which created a new dialogue between space, form, and body. Being critical of my own being, I began to apply this logic to buildings; what did they feel they were meant to be? Could a more sleek and contoured building be hidden inside a building such as the Rainier tower’s pencil shaped base? Why settle for what one strong gesture and not carry it throughout the whole building? Could it transform, figuratively? Literally? What purpose does a corset serve, and how could it be manipulated in a way that expresses rather than suppresses form? These were the kinds of great questions that unfortunately needed more time to develop, but lead into a great dialogue about what buildings and architecture could potentially become.
What will architecture’s true nature be when it is treated like a body - something that can be cut into and resewn?
The Suture project started off as a simple indexing of my own body through crude measurement, but quickly became an abstract way to look at how the body is as much of a site for architecture as any other. As I viewed my own body parts, I aligned them in various positions, which created a new dialogue between space, form, and body. Being critical of my own being, I began to apply this logic to buildings; what did they feel they were meant to be? Could a more sleek and contoured building be hidden inside a building such as the Rainier tower’s pencil shaped base? Why settle for what one strong gesture and not carry it throughout the whole building? Could it transform, figuratively? Literally? What purpose does a corset serve, and how could it be manipulated in a way that expresses rather than suppresses form? These were the kinds of great questions that unfortunately needed more time to develop, but lead into a great dialogue about what buildings and architecture could potentially become.